Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Photos

Am I good at taking Pictures, or can I take Pictures? These are the questions I ask myself, since modeling FOR ME, hasn’t been very marketable. Sometimes I blame the city I live in. So many people which the networking ratio is good but the results always seem to end up with a rain check. Either it’s the people in general, who have talent. There is so much talent in the city of Baltimore but yet they all have day jobs. I myself, fall into the latter, which never at the top, but always looking up. Sometimes, I used to stand in a staggering pace of discouragement. Other times, I try other things, meet new of the same faces and practically give all my eggs for their baskets, which shows that I always was a follower. Yet most of the time, I was the driver.

Now the question I ask myself, is doing my part even good enough anymore? I was ready for this industry since I was 18. Personally, it was a rough and narrow path in finding, myself, through the common manner of high self esteem. One challenge which I am happy to say I completed on my own was achieving this. The only evidence I tend to find once I learn something is my generosity taking control and the ambition to create in motion the action of exhortation.

The Exhorter

Words I say don’t speak out like wild fire

Because long ago I was a kid and I learned through life not to be a liar

Think what you say, and speak what you know

Call it wisdom once you have that knowledge, and let your efforts show

~Written: 2007

This evidence shows that I am clearly moving forward. I am the driver, the one holding the lens, instead of the one waiting for the snap. Though photographers love me…It’s been that way for years now. As hard it is for me to find an agent that will sign me a contract for print work, yet it is so easy to meet someone who wants to do a photo shoot, most the time…Free of charge. In my mind, the internet networking is diluted in which saturation has taken hold as the flow of moss; slow and agonizing, as I’m waiting for a reply, or a call back. So as a human being, stress eats at me incurably as cancer. Which I then retaliate with the thought of blaming our society as a whole, but never to an individual; though it takes a micro thought to create a macro sense, I can never blame one person.

F**K** All This (Explicit)

Fuckin’ all this

Mental Retardation

Fuckin’ Rednecks and Crypts

Blood Thugs and Politics

It’s all the same

Everyone doin’ the same thang

Fuckin’ all this

Fuck this…

People jealous

Never good fellas

Smokin’ minds

Drunkin’ Dads and beaten wives

Scarcity and sharp knives

Low class environment

A petty vibe

Fuckin’ all this

Road crimes, news excess

Celebrity incest

Rich get dumber

Their minds still a wonder

Marriage tossed

Lives change but grow moss

I stand still waiting for this?

Fuckin’ all this?

~Written: 2007 - edited 2009

Drunk in a slang sorrow, wilted and withered to an underground heartbeat; each breath is scrutinized on every move we make. Scary is the thought, but should only scare the wicked. The ones trying to cut corners become a nuisance in society for their own personal gain, or simple minded pleasure. Like a Quarter Back, threading the needle. Throwing into coverage, in-between two defenders; he knew it but took the chance anyway…Game is over.

Doing the honest thing is making an honest living: Working an honest paying job, regardless of its occupation; taking care of your family, feeding your children, yet always wishing for something more or even better. Understanding these are the thoughts in my head which makes life worth living. Then understanding that we are really FREE, but knowing that our lives are what we create in an organized manner.

Am I good at taking pictures? I have recently bought my first SLR 35mm Camera which I plan to take pictures of landscapes. Since I always had an eye for photography, I just never actually believed I can capture a piece of life, which in the beholder, a piece of art. Maybe now, Baltimore can provide a difference for the one driving through a beautiful image.

Awaken In time

Forever frozen in time
A sick twisted and explicit mind
We think in irrational form
Which we never understand where we’re headed toward
Out spoken, for whatever cause
Broken in silence, later on
With no applause
We all are guilty,
To which our fortune is plenty,
But never lasts
To what is our existence?
For, in time,
Which shall pass, for us all
May we remain weary and answer our call

~Written: 2007

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